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General Laboratory Instruments
Constant Current Power Supply (Biopolar), DPS-175BPC
PID Controlled Oven, PID-TZN/ PID-TZN-CT
True RMS AC. Millivoltmeter, ACM-102
Digital DC Microvoltmeter, DMV-001
Sourcemeter, SM-1000C
High Voltage Power Supply, Eht-11p-c1
Ic Regulated Power Supply, Ps-12
DDS Signal Generator, JDS-6600
Digital Gaussmeter, DGM-103
Travelling Microscope, TVM-03
High Voltage Power Supply, Eht-11
Tesla Meter, Tm-400
Digital Picoammeter, Dpm-111
True Rms Ac Milli Voltmeter, Acm-103
Electromagnet & Power Supply, Emu-50 & Dps-50
Digital Microvoltmeter (DMV-001-C2)
Electromagnet & Power Supply, EMU-75 & DPS-175M
Digital Nanoammeter, Dnm-121
Sourcemeter, SM-1000
Digital Picoammeter, Model Dpm-111-c2
Digital Gaussmeter Dgm-202
Handheld Gauss Meter DGM-HH-02
Travelling Microscope, TVM-02
Experimental Setups
Frequency Modulation and Demodulation Study, FMD-01
Basic Operational Amplifier, 741-01
Study of a Solid State Power Supply, SSPS-02
Study of Op Amp 741 Applications, 741-03
Study Of Astable And Monostable Multivibrators, 555
Study Of A Transistor Amplifier (Rc Coupled), RC-01
Integrated Circuit Regulator, 723
Study Of Multivibrators, Mv-01
Study of Active Filters, AF-01
Signal Generation Applications Of Operation Amplifier, 741-05
Study of Op. Amp Based LC Oscillators, 741-07
Study Of Amplitude Modulation And Demodulation, MD-02
Characteristics of Photo Devices, PD-01
Control Laboratory Experiments
Light Intensity Control System, LIC-01
Dc Speed Control System, DCS-301
Study Of Magnetic Levitation System, ML-01
Digital Control System, DC-01
Study of Temperature Transducers (STT-01)
DC Motor Study, DCM-01
Stroboscope, STB-01
AC Motor Torque Speed Study, ACT-01
Potentiometric Error Detector, Ped-01
DC Speed Control System, DCS-201
A.C. Position Control, ACP-01
Relay Control System, Rcs-01
Microprocessor Device Controller, MDC-01
Second Order Network, Son-01
PID Controller (PID-01)
Dc Position Control System, Dcp-301
Compensation Design, Cd-02
Linear System Simulator, LSS-01
Study Of Digital-to-Analog Converter, DTA-01
Study Of Synchro Devices, SD-01
Temperature control System, TCS-302
Linear Variable Differential Transformer, Lvdt-01
Stepper Motor, Sm-03
AC Servo Motor Study, ACS-01
Physics & Material Sc. Lab Experiments
Study Of Thermoluminescence Of F-centers Tlx-02
Four Probe Experiment, DFP-02 (Basic Model)
Zeeman Effect Experiment, Zex-01
Gouy's Method Balance, GMX-01
Magnetoresistance Setup (Research Model), MRX-RMN/ MRX-RMC
Diodes Characteristics & Boltzman Constant, DCBC-01
Study Of Planck's Constant, PCA-01
Study Of Dielectric Constant, Dec-01
Millikan's Oil Drop Experiment, MOD-01
Magnetic Field Measurement Apparatus, Mfm-01
Hall Effect Setup, HEX-33/ HEX-33C
Dielectric Constant Of Solids And Liquids, Dsl-01
Hall Effect In Metals (Hem-01)
Franck Hertz Experiment, Fh-3001
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer, VSM-1000
Four Probe Setup, DFP-RM-200N/ DFP-RM-200NC
Hall Effect Experiment, HEX-RM-150/ HEX-RM-150C
Four Probe Method, Dfp-03 (Advance Model)
Ionization Potential Set Up, IP-01
Hall Effect Experiment, HEX-21C
High Temperature Two Probe Set-up, TPX-600N
Planck's Constant Experiment, PC-101
Magnetoresistance Experiment System, MRX-01
Quinck's Tube Method, QTX-01
Four Probe Setup, DFP-LHN/ DFP-LHC
Hall Effect Experiment, Hex-21
Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer ESR-105
Two Probe Setup, TPX-200N
Van der Pauw Experiment, VDX-01
Dielectric Constant Of Liquids, DCL-01
Study Of P-N Junctions PN-01
Thermoluminescence Irradiation Unit TIU-02
High Temperature Two Probe Set-up TPX-600C
Hysteresis Loop Tracer, HLT-111
Gouy's Method Balance (GMX-02)
Dielectric Measurement Setup, DEC-600
Magnetic Hysteresis Loop Tracer, HLT-111C
Nmr Experiment, NMR-01
Four Probe Set Up FP-01N/ FP-01C
Frequency Dependence of Dielectric Constant, FDD-01
Two Probe Method For Resistivity Measurement Of Insulators, TPX-200C
Ferroelectric PE Loop Tracer, PEL-01C
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