We manufacture, export and supply Hysteresis Loop Tracer to our customers in Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. A precise knowledge of various magnetic parameters of ferromagnetic substances, viz. coercivity, retentivity, saturation magnetisation and hysteresis loss, and ability to determine them accurately are important aspects of magnetic studies.
The information about the aforementioned properties can be obtained from a magnetic hysteresis loop which can be traced by a number of methods in addition to the slow and laborious ballistic galvanometer method. Among the typical representatives of AC hysteresis loop tracers, some require the ring form of samples while others can be used with thin films, wires or even rock samples. Ring form samples are not always practically convenient to make while in others demagnetisation effects sometime become quite important.
The present set-up can accept the samples of thin wires of different diameters. The demagnetisation effects, different diameters of samples and eddy currents (due to the conducting property of the material) has been taken into account within the design or graphically.